The Significance of Amazon Attribution for Advertising Campaigns

Amazon Attribution

Amazon Attribution allows you to track, attribute, and optimize non-Amazon campaigns so that you can grow Amazon.

The tool offers analytics insights into the impact of non-Amazon channels such as search, social media and display advertising, email marketing, PPC campaigns, and other marketing methods. The tool can track the traffic that is sent to another website and then converted to Amazon.

Amazon Attribution can be accessed through the self-service console of the platform or via tools that already integrate the Amazon Advertising API.

How does Amazon Attribution work?

Sellers who use Sponsored Products Ads or Sponsored Brands Ads know how crucial it is to regularly check on their ad campaigns to make sure they are performing well. You rely on Amazon’s data to help you make important decisions regarding keywords, bids, and budgets. You may not get the whole picture of your marketing.

You need to know the performance of your campaigns outside Amazon. Instead of throwing blindly money into a Facebook or Google advertisement, make sure that these channels work for you. It was difficult to measure the success of a campaign that was not Amazon-related before Attribution became available.

What Amazon Attribution Can Do?


Discover which channels of advertising are the most efficient for driving sales and traffic to your Amazon product.

Before Attribution, the typical scenario would be: If you run on-and-off-Amazon ads for one month, and sell 200 products, then you could correctly attribute, say 100 sales, resulting from PPC sponsored advertisements. The origins of the remaining 100 customers would be a mystery.

You would have known exactly how 100 other customers found the product if you had an Amazon Attribution tool.


You can then focus your efforts on external campaigns that work and eliminate those that don’t.

In our previous example, with Attribution you could have made an informed decision about which channels were performing poorly and which ones drove the most conversions. This would allow you to optimize your campaign for the next months, saving money.

Plan ahead

You can plan future advertising campaigns and develop your marketing style by learning what types of messages and images your clients respond to.

You can get all the conversion metrics that you need with Attribution:

  • Click through rate
  • Impressions
  • Detail page views
  • The number of sales attributable to each advertising channel
  • Add to Cart
  • Total sales

How to set up Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Attribution, currently, is a Beta program that’s only open to professional, third-party vendors or sellers who are registered with a brand.

Fill out the signup form, or Register through Seller Central if you’re one of those sellers or vendors. Once you have created your Attribution Account, you will be able to add the products to correspond with the campaigns that you would like to track.

Creating an Attribution Tag

This attribution tag works like a Facebook tracking pixel or Google tracking pixel. The tag is “sticky” throughout the entire customer journey. It starts when they click on an external ad and ends when they arrive at your Amazon listing. They may make a sale or not.

It’s now just a matter of pasting the tracking URL in your marketing campaign. If you run a Facebook advertisement, for example, you would paste the Amazon Attribution URL in the section “URL Parameters”. This tag generates the information you need in order to make informed decisions about your ads.

Navigate to Amazon Attribution once you have signed into your Amazon Advertising Console. Amazon offers an instructional video that explains the steps to setting up attribution tags.

What Metrics Does Amazon Attribution Let You Track?

You can track actions taken by people using your tags in your ads, blogs, social media posts, emails, etc.

You’ll be able to see which marketing campaigns are bringing the most traffic, and generating sales and which ones are failures.

You can probably see how this could be a huge asset to your Off-Amazon To-Amazon Marketing.

You won’t have to make guesses anymore. Now you will know which strategies you should kill, which you should scale up, and which channels yield the best results so that you can concentrate your efforts. You will also be able to see which off-Amazon marketing efforts generate a positive return on investment and which ones drain your wallet.

This will also allow you to optimize the results of each test element.

If your clickthrough rates are high, but your sales numbers are low, it could be because of your listing and/or price. You can test both.

4 Benefits of Using Amazon Attribution

Some of you have asked, “Why should I use Amazon Attribution?” Amazon Attribution is a great tool for eligible brands. 

  1. This tool gives you full-funnel analytics

It’s important to keep track of all your marketing campaigns in one location. Amazon Attribution provides you with full-funnel crediting. You can track the effectiveness of each campaign, their interaction with one another, and how much traffic they generate for Amazon. Amazon Attribution includes all traffic metrics, including impressions and clicks. It also covers Amazon-related metrics like Add to Cart Clicks or purchases.

  1. The most valuable marketing channels are identified

The ROI for your non-Amazon efforts can be difficult to determine, particularly if you are using multiple marketing channels. Amazon Attribution lets sellers see which marketing efforts are driving the most sales, and providing the best ROI. Store owners will be able to focus their efforts on the most lucrative channels once they have a good idea of which advertising campaigns are working.

  1. This tool optimizes existing campaigns

Amazon Attribution allows you to understand the user’s interaction with your Amazon store. You can use your current campaigns to optimize them so that more people who convert convert, and less of the ones that don’t. Amazon Attribution allows retailers to know which campaigns drive the most traffic and which they should optimize or scale to increase their ROI.

  1. You Can Increase Sales

Although it may seem strange to some sellers, sending traffic from outside Amazon is becoming more important. Amazon’s dominance in the e-commerce market is increasing. The price of sponsored ads continues to increase on Amazon.

Why Amazon Attribution is Essential for Sellers?

Attribution should be used for any marketing you do outside of Amazon.

You can’t measure the impact of marketing campaigns without it. It’s easy to think that your marketing campaigns are successful if they generate a large number of clicks. You may be attracting the incorrect audience and very few people are buying or adding the item to their shopping cart.

You’ll also need to utilize Attribution in order to receive the Brand Referral bonus. Brand Referral Bonus gives you an amazing partial refund on seller fees when you make sales from outside traffic.

These sales must come from Attribution links so that Amazon can accurately track and attribute them. By using Attribution you could actually be paid for driving traffic.

There’s really no reason to not use it since there is no charge. This feature provides you with a deeper insight into your traffic off-site.

You can increase sales by spending less money on marketing.

Final Thoughts

Amazon Attribution, in conclusion, is the most important new feature to hit Amazon over the past few years. Amazon Listings were black holes for marketers before the Amazon Attribution Beta arrived. Before the Amazon Attribution beta, Amazon listings were a black hole for marketers. The free tool has now been fleshed out and is providing real value to Amazon sellers around the world.