Is It OK to Say ‘Happy Memorial Day

Is It Ever OK to Say 'Happy Memorial Day

Although it might seem normal to wish someone “Happy Memorial Day,” Americans are divided on the appropriate expression to commemorate the day that is a national holiday of rememberance. Many families are grieving the loss of loved ones this day can be a sad one, and is a time of contemplation and not an enjoyable occasion as some appear.

What Is happy memorial day?

Previously named Decoration Day, the origins of this federal holiday date back to post-war that was when a number made up of Union soldiers, known as the Grand Army of the Republic, was pushed for a day to honour the lives of the soldiers who fought for their country.

Memorial Day is now observed on the Monday that falls in May. Many are unhappy with the festive atmosphere which the three-day holiday creates to the holiday. It usually involves cookouts with family and friends, as well as sales at major stores.

The background happy memorial day

Memorial Day is a national day to honour those who lost their lives while serving within the US Armed Forces. It’s not difficult to mix Memorial Day with Veteran’s Day. It’s true that nearly 28% of people are confused between both. Veterans Day honours all military veterans who participated in the US Armed Forces. Memorial Day honours those who have lost their lives in the service of their country.

When did memorial day start?

The date was originally referred to as “Decoration Day.” It took place on the 30th of May in honour of the soldiers who died in the Civil War. The event was observed by local groups across various cities. With time, Decoration Day grew to commemorate all the soldiers who lost their lives in conflict. The day was declared an official Federal holiday in 1971. Family members and friends can spend the day at the military cemetery or a war museum.

In the past it was a time when the date was changed. It was moved from May 30th until the final Monday in May. After that, Memorial Day has become synonymous with the beginning of summer. With the arrival of warmer weather and three days a week, many families utilize the time to take a trip. In 2021 37 million Americans are expected to take a trip. Hotels and apartment buildings often get ready to open their pools during the same weekend. Gatherings for family and friends are frequent. Most people enjoy the happy memorial day weekend with friends and family.

What To Say Instead Of Happy Memorial Day 

The best method to talk about Memorial Day is important. When you’re chatting with a friend to talk about their plans for the happy memorial day weekend or informally promoting imminent sales to your customers, It could be a disaster to make the mistake of saying something wrong.

15 Things To Say on happy memorial day

  1. “Today, we remember and honour the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”
  2. “On this Memorial Day, we express our gratitude to those who served and remember those who gave their lives for our country.”
  3. “May we never forget the sacrifices of the fallen heroes who defended our nation and its values.”
  4. “This Memorial Day, let us pause to reflect on the cost of freedom and the courage of those who paid it.”
  5. “In memory of the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, we honour their bravery and commitment to our nation.”
  6. “As we enjoy our freedom, let us not forget those who secured it for us. Thank you to the fallen heroes.”
  7. “On Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those who served with honour, and we remember those who are no longer with us.”
  8. “Their courage and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Today, we remember and honour our fallen heroes.”
  9. “This Memorial Day, let us come together as a nation to remember, reflect, and honour the heroes who gave their all.”
  10. “To the families of the fallen, we offer our deepest gratitude and sympathy. Your loved ones will always be remembered.”
  11. “On this day of remembrance, we express our heartfelt thanks to the men and women who served and sacrificed for our freedom.”
  12. “May we carry the memory of the fallen in our hearts and strive to honour their legacy through our actions.”
  13. “Today, we stand united to honour our fallen heroes’ selfless service and sacrifice. They will never be forgotten.”
  14. “As we observe Memorial Day, let us renew our commitment to cherish the freedoms for which so many paid the ultimate price.”
  15. “In the face of adversity, our heroes stood tall. On Memorial Day, we remember and salute their unwavering commitment to duty and country.”

Quick tips for your happy memorial day messages

Before we begin, we’ll give you a few suggestions to consider while you select or design the perfect Memorial Day greeting.

Keep it simple:

It’s not necessary to get really fancy in the Memorial Day messages. Simple greetings that let people know that they are in your thoughts, pay homage to the motivation for the celebration, or communicate what you’re trying to convey is a great idea.

Make sure you are aware. Memorial Day may be a time of stress for some since it commemorates the fallen when serving within the US military. So, keep this in mind when you write your message.

Tailor it for your needs

The content of your Memorial Day message may vary depending on the platform you’re using to share the information. A letter may require an extra paragraph of content, while a post on social media or text message is much more succinct.

Keep it on brand

Reach out to your customers through a Memorial Day message in your branding voice, and by using materials which are in line with your brand colours. This helps make your brand stand out among other Memorial Day messages and posts that people see.

General Memorial Day messages and greetings

Here are some messages anyone can use to acknowledge Memorial Day.

  1. “Wishing you a reflective and meaningful Memorial Day as we honour the courageous men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.”
  2. “On this Memorial Day, may we take a moment to remember, reflect, and express gratitude for the brave souls who sacrificed for our nation.”
  3. “As we observe Memorial Day, let us pay tribute to the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice, and may their courage inspire us all.”
  4. “Sending heartfelt thanks on Memorial Day to those who served and remembering the fallen heroes who will forever be in our hearts.”
  5. “May the spirit of Memorial Day fill your day with gratitude and reflection as we honour the selfless acts of our nation’s heroes.”

Happy Memorial Day messages from businesses

Here are some Memorial Day messages businesses can use to discuss changing store hours, business closures, special offers, or well wishes.

  1. In remembrance of those who gave their lives for our country, [Your Business Name] expresses gratitude to the fallen heroes on this Memorial Day.
  2. “This Memorial Day, [Your Business Name] pays tribute to the courage and sacrifice of our military personnel. We honour their memory and appreciate their service.”
  3. “As we observe Memorial Day, [Your Business Name] extends heartfelt thanks to the heroes who served our nation with bravery and dedication. We remember and honour your sacrifice.”
  4. “On Memorial Day, [Your Business Name] reflects on the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women. We express our deepest gratitude for their commitment to preserving our freedom.”
  5. “In honour of Memorial Day, [Your Business Name] remembers and salutes the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. Their bravery will forever be etched in our hearts.”

Happy Memorial Day messages to employees

  1. “On this Memorial Day, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our employees who have served in the military. Your dedication to our country is truly appreciated.”
  2. “As we observe Memorial Day, we honour and remember the sacrifices made by our military personnel, including our employees. Your service is an inspiration to us all.”
  3. “This Memorial Day, we want to express our deepest appreciation to our employees who have served in the armed forces. Your commitment to our country does not go unnoticed.”
  4. “In remembrance of the fallen heroes and with gratitude to our employees who have served, we wish you a reflective Memorial Day. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.”
  5. “On this solemn occasion, we take a moment to honour our employees who have served in the military. Thank you for your dedication, bravery, and sacrifice.”
  6.  We appreciate you today and every day, and we hope you have a Happy Memorial Day.