Top 6 Best NSFW AI Writers for Generating Stories

Top 6 Best NSFW AI Writers for Generating Stories

Have you ever wanted to generate provocative stories or scandalous scenes but lacked the creative writing chops to pull them off? Don’t worry, AI’s got your back. You’ve probably heard of AI tools that can generate generic stories, but did you know there are models specifically designed to craft steamy tales? That’s right, neural networks have been trained on massive datasets of erotic fiction and can now produce their own NSFW stories from scratch. Some of these AI systems are shockingly good at stringing together sensual sentences. Whether you’re looking to get in the mood, give your own writing a boost, or just explore the cutting edge of AI, these six models can generate stories ranging from romantic to raunchy. So dim the lights, grab a glass of wine, and let the AI take your imagination for a wild ride.

What is an NSFW AI writer?

So what exactly is an NSFW AI writer? NSFW stands for “not safe for work” – meaning content containing nudity, profanity or other adult themes. An NSFW AI writer is an artificial intelligence system trained on a dataset of erotic stories, smutty scenes and steamy story samples. It can then generate new, original NSFW stories and scenes on demand.

Some of the top NSFW AI writers today are Anthropic’s Constitutional AI, Anthropic Claude, and OpenAI’s MuseNet. These systems are designed to produce creative fiction and scenarios for entertainment. However, their training data incorporates explicit content, so they are able to generate NSFW stories with a high degree of quality and coherence.

Other options include AI Dungeon, created by Anthropic, which lets you enter custom story prompts to generate NSFW scenarios. There’s also InferKit and TalkToTransformer, open-source models you can use to generate short-form NSFW content.

While AI-generated stories are getting better over time, they still lack human creativity, emotional intelligence and life experiences. So if you’re looking for truly compelling erotic fiction, human writers are still superior. But for a bit of fun, these NSFW AI tools can be an amusing way to explore your interests or enhance roleplaying scenarios.

6 Best NSFW AI Writers

When looking for an AI to generate spicy stories, you have a few good options.

  • Anthropic Claude is trained on a huge dataset of fiction to create coherent short stories and story outlines on demand. Claude can generate NSFW stories with a few tweaks to its training data and prompting.
  • OpenAI’s GPT-3 is a powerful language model that can generate stories and scenarios based on natural language prompts. Developers have created NSFW story generators using GPT-3 that can craft steamy scenes and plots.
  • NovelAI is an AI assistant focused on generating fictional stories and worlds. It has options to generate NSFW content based on user prompts. NovelAI uses a technique called Constitutional AI to ensure its responses are grounded and appropriate.
  • AI Dungeon started as an NSFW text adventure game powered by GPT-3. It has since expanded into a platform where people can generate their own NSFW fantasy scenarios and stories using a human-and-AI collaborative process.
  • is an AI-based writing aid that can help craft plots, characters and settings for stories. It has options to generate NSFW content with additional safety precautions and filtering to avoid harmful outputs.
  • Inspirobot is an AI that generates random sentences, quotes and scenarios based on its training data. The Inspirobot explicitly has options to generate NSFW content but with limited coherence or plot. Use it more for silly or absurdist NSFW scenarios rather than full stories.

There are a handful of AI’s adapted or designed to craft steamy tales, so you have options to find one suited to your tastes and needs. But be aware, that generating NSFW content with AI does come with risks around harmful, unethical or dangerous outputs that researchers are still grappling with. Use discretion!

Explain the Pros and Cons of every NSFW AI writer


The major pros of using AI writers for generating NSFW stories are:

  • They can generate a high volume of stories quickly. Some AI writers can generate over 500 short stories in an hour. This allows you to have a huge library of stories to choose from.
  • The stories are original and unique. AI writers generate each story from scratch using their machine-learning algorithms and neural networks. No two stories are the same.


However, there are some downsides to consider with AI-generated NSFW stories:

  • The quality can be hit or miss. Not all the stories will be high quality or even make sense. You’ll have to sift through a lot of subpar stories to find good ones.
  • AI writers can’t match human creativity. While AI can generate unique stories, human writers are still far more creative. AI struggles with complex plots, deep characters, humour, and emotion.

Top 6 Best NSFW AI Writers for Generating Stories

When you want to generate racy stories without putting in the creative work yourself, AI writing tools are the way to go. Here are the top options for NSFW story generation:

1. AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon uses GPT-3 to generate open-ended stories based on your prompts. Just start typing a racy scene or story starter and AI Dungeon will continue the tale using its massive dataset of erotic stories. With a bit of guidance, you can create quite a steamy story.

2. Claude

Claude is an AI model focused specifically on generating NSFW stories and scenarios. Just provide a few details about the setting, characters or theme you want and Claude will get to work spinning an erotic short story for you. The results can be hit or miss but often surprisingly coherent.

3. Anthropic Constitutional AI

While not focused specifically on NSFW content, Anthropic’s Constitutional AI can generate open-ended stories and scenarios based on your prompts. Because it is designed to respect human values, you may need to be very explicit in your prompts to generate racy stories. But the results tend to be more creative and nuanced than other options.

4. Talk to Transformer

Originally designed by Anthropic to demonstrate conversational AI, Talk to Transformer can also be used to generate short stories paragraph by paragraph. Prompt it with an erotic story starter and see where the AI takes things from there. The results are fairly basic but can be amusing.

With the right prompts and patience, these AI tools can craft some steamy tales. But they do require guidance and curation to keep things on track. Ready to give it a whirl? The story possibilities are endless!

5. Pirr. Me

Pirr. Me is an AI-powered platform that specializes in the creation and reading of spicy short stories. It provides an immersive experience allowing users to generate their own content alone or interactively. However, it’s worth noting that some users have mentioned that the writing can be quite basic and may not introduce unexpected story beats or tie previous story threads together.

6. is an innovative platform that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to generate unique and engaging stories. Designed as a tool for writers, can help stimulate creativity, overcome writer’s block, and streamline the writing process.

Whether you’re working on a short story, a novel, or a screenplay, It can help you develop your ideas and bring your story to life. Simply providing a brief description or a few key points, can generate a detailed narrative that fits your requirements.


So in summary, AI writers for NSFW stories can be useful as a tool to help generate lots of story ideas and drafts, but human writers are still needed to turn those ideas into high-quality, creative stories with the right tone and content. AI should augment human writers, not replace them.

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